This is how Social Media should be helping people … The World Health Organisation (WHO) and WhatsApp have teamed up to share information above COVID-19!
Social Media at its best
Social media can be a force for good, but it can also be a way to rapidly propagate misleading and potentially dangerously inaccurate information.
So I was thrilled to see the announcement that the World Health Organisation (WHO) and WhatsApp have teamed up to provide access to an innovative new service.
Simply click on the following link to open a new conversation in WhatsApp.  Once the conversation is open, type in “hi” to activate the conversation.  You’ll then be prompted with a menu you can then choose from to receive information and have questions answered about COVID-19
What it looks like
Here is a screenshot from my phone – showing you the main menu

An observation
Looking at the information displayed, it is old … from the 19th March 2020. Â I really hope that this is fixed soon. Â For this technology and capability to really take off, it needs to be maintained.
But thank you WHO and WhatsApp !
Original Post
This post was originally authored on this blog, you can also see the corresponding LinkedIn Article here –