Day 3 has arrived, it’s like it’s only yesterday since Day 2 … oh wait, it was 🙂
Jokes aside, Day 3 was another day crammed full of education, information sharing, and a chance to attend a “Whisper Sessions” with one of the Business Owners for Intersight!
As excited as I was about winning a prize, I had an eagerly-awaited session on Cisco’s Intersight offering – originally launched under the name “Starship” … I’m torn, I kinda liked the original name, and find myself using the original name when talking to the guys in Cisco!
My Precious
The Intersight presentation went by too quickly … but I think that worked well, because then I was free to call to the Cisco Security team and pick up my prize … an Apple Watch Series 3 !!!

Seriously – I can’t believe it. I’ve had my Apple Watch Sports (original version) since it was released in the UK (and shipped to Ireland) … I ordered it from the side of the road when I was on holiday in Australia … order completed 54 seconds after the page went live hahaha
Can’t wait to get this back to the hotel, charge it up, and get it up and running.
Whisper Suites
I was very fortunate to be offered an opportunity for a “Whisper Suites” session while at Cisco Live.  This was a chance to talk to one of the Business Owners about their product(s), understand the roadmap, and also provide feedback based on customer experience and/or requirements.
I had the chance to talk with Jeff New from the Intersight team. Â As much as I’d love to tell you all about our discussion … I think it’s fair to say that “Whisper Suites” gives away why I’m going to remain quiet 😉
What I do want to share is just how invaluable this session was.  A really wonderful exchange of information, I genuinely hope that Jeff enjoyed the time as much as I did (ie … please tell me I didn’t bore him to tears!).
“Nice Hat Bro …”
Why thank you 🙂 Â I even managed to get one for each of my kids 🙂

Did someone say Security?
The afternoon session was a really excellent session on security, with a particular focus on hardware security.  This is very topical given the recent vulnerability announcement – which has been consuming all of my time of late !
Bring on Day 4
With a day full of sessions on data analytics, UCS, Intersight, and Security – it was time to head back to the hotel.  An early-ish night for once, was on the cards, to have me well rested for Day 4 of Cisco Live … I hear there is a party in the evening 🙂
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